Friday, July 27, 2012

7 Quick Takes (vol. 9, because aparently last week I couldn't count)

Alright, so in the original 7 Quick Takes fashion, this post will be random, no theme this week. Just what's going on with me :)

~~ 1 ~~
I've been cooking, imagine that. I have actually been on a pizza kick lately.
You see, I have all this amazing fresh oregano that must be used in something equally amazing.

So of course, I had to make up some pizza sauce
I absolutely love this recipe. I cut back on the wine and throw in some sugar and it is pretty darn tasty.

~~ 2 ~~

See the fabulous ingredients above, fresh basil, bacon, balsamic vinegar...
well they all came together to make this fabulous pizza.
I got the recipe from over at White and Rice Couple.
I just used what I had on hand, so feta instead of blue cheese, sungold cherry tomatoes instead of the regular red, canola oil instead of olive oil (I can't believe I'm out of olive oil!). It was soooo good. The combination of flavors put this at the top of my list of favorite pizzas.
~~ 3 ~~
Last weekend I had the pleasure of getting together with some college friends. It was wonderful. I loved it. The babies were cute, the people were amazing, the food was fantastic, the conversation was excellent as always. Sadly, I failed in the picture taking department, so just the memories remain.

~~ 4 ~~
Last week (Sunday - Wednesday) I helped chaperone an awesome mission trip in our area, Love Begins Here. I went with a friend who is a local youth minister and her group of middle schoolers. It is always refreshing to see the eagerness of kids to learn more about their faith and the willingness to help others. It was a wonderful boost to my sometimes stagnant faith life.

~~ 5 ~~

The Olympics start tonight! I hope you are all going to watch and appreciate the hard work and amazing talents of the athletes from all over the world. I love it! A friend is having an opening ceremonies party so I will be there, watching it all :)

~~ 6 ~~
August starts next week. I am still trying to wrap my mind around that.

~~ 7 ~~
I have a packed weekend, all kinds of little fun stuff. A friend's birthday party, a concert in the park with the boyfriend, a visit to a friend in the lovely state of Illinois on Sunday and a day off of work on Monday. I am sure there will be much more thrown in throughout.

 Alright, that's all from me. Enjoy the weekend! 
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Friday, July 13, 2012

7 Quick Takes (Vol. 7)

So I have seem some awesome videos lately, many of which have made me laugh out loud, so for the first few of this week's 7 Quick Takes I thought I'd share the joy :) Take some time off from your busy Friday and enjoy a little lighthearted fun!
~~ 1 ~~
Jimmy Fallon doing Neil Young doing Will Smith - "Fresh Prince Theme"
Yes you read that right and yes it's awesome.
I was introduced to this lovely gem over at A Cup of Jo. Check out her Friday links, they are always great.
~~ 2 ~~
Gotta love a good vocations video. Seminarians singing boyband songs + dance routine = Amazing!

Sr. Helena Burns over at Hell Burns posted this one.

~~ 3 ~~
 This is for all my farmer friends. It's been making the rounds lately. My favorite part... 
"I work out...SIDE" :)

~~ 4 ~~
I'm still working through the last few books in the Chronicles of Narnia. So far my favorites are "Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia" and "The Horse and His Boy" love them!

~~ 5 ~~
See This adorable kid?

 Well, he's kind of a miracle and his story is being submitted as the official alleged miracle for Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen's beatification. Super Exciting! Check out his story and while you're at it, check out Bonnie's blog Learning to Be a Newlywed. (Kind of old news, but still awesome!)

~~ 6 ~~
A seminarian from our parish was ordained a priest on June 29th. It was beautiful.

~~ 7 ~~

I have a free Saturday. Very unusual for me, sadly, I think I'm going to spend it doing things like cleaning and packing. I'll be sure to get in some fun stuff to, one must on a weekend :)

 Alright, that's all from me. Enjoy the weekend! 
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!