So I feel like it's been a while since I've done this, so here's a lot of randomness from me to you:)
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My older brother has been living with me for the past couple of months. We're throwing a hero masquerade party tonight. It will be epic. He's decked out the apartment with pictures of "heroes" real and fictional including people like Xena, Gandhi, the Planeteers, Mother Teresa, the X-Men, Rosa Parks and Robin Hood. If you were coming what hero would you dress up as?
The weather has been kind of crazy here. 70's for most of the week and now it's in the 40s and acting a bit more like fall. I do love fall. Me and my boyfriend went hiking last weekend (both Saturday and Sunday, I loved it!) and got to enjoy the lovely fallish weather and the end of the colors.
I finished "Heaven is Here" by Stephanie Nielson (of NieNie Dialogues) on my trip. I cried, a lot and I laughed, and I marveled at her strength and her faith and her family's. If you haven't read it you need to.
See this strange looking pile. Well it's delicious in case you were wondering and it only has 3 ingredients. My boyfriend saw them make it on a show he was watching and decided we needed to make it to eat while watching (or rather listening to since my dumb tv didn't get the right station) the football game last Sunday. It's bacon, brown sugar and cayenne pepper. Candied bacon with a kick. He baked it for 10 minutes, flipped the bacon and put more brown sugar on the flipped side.
How cool is this?! Check out these awesome animals painted on hands.
I don't know how you feel about Taylor Swift, but I really like some of her new stuff (not all of it), especially this song. Definitely not country, but I like it.
I'm going to a friend's wedding tomorrow. I love weddings, and it's close by, which is awesome. I'm not in it so I get to sit back and enjoy the beautiful sacrament from the pew. It should be fun.
Alright, that's all from me for this lovely Friday. Enjoy the weekend!
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