Friday, March 4, 2011


This week our parish has had the pleasure of hosting a Parish Mission, which was led by a wonderful Redemptorist priest out of St. Louis, Missouri. There have been months of preparation for this week and I can honestly say that it has all been worth it.  It's wonderful to see a big parish community come together to share and grow in their faith.  There was an energy that I haven't felt here for a while, so hopefully that energy will continue as we begin our Lenten journey next week. Since I was a little tied up yesterday and didn't get to put out my Thankful Thursday list, but since this week has so been full of blessings I didn't want to skip it entirely so here it is, just a little late.

At this moment I am thankful for...
(1) Perfect weather. Considering it was the end of February/begining of March the week has been, well pretty perfect.
(2) Family. 
(3) The Catholic Church. All it's history and traditions only add to the beauty and strength of this religion. 
(4) Volunteers. Volunteers that give freely and cheerfully make my life a whole lot easier and give me a glimpse of Christ in the everyday.
(5) Holidays. I grew-up celebrating any and every holiday. The year should be full of little celebrations. We really should enjoy life each and everyday we're here.
(6) Children. I love their innocence, their energy, their trust and joy.  We could all learn a lot from the children in our lives.
(7) The Saints. Their lives are amazing. Their journeys of faith, their trust in God, their love. I'm currently reading My Life with the Saints by James Martin (this is a link to a great interview with Martin) which is a great intro to a lot of wonderful Saints. 

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