Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thankful Thursday and a bit of Cave Dwelling

Caves are cool. There's just something about the idea of exploring these vast caverns that appeals to the kid in all of us, well at least it does to me :) Over the weekend one of our adventures included visiting the beautiful Cave of the Mounds, a place just up the road from me that I'd never taken the time to visit. I love cave tours. They're always filled with enthusiastic tour guides with corny jokes, excited children and adults, and of course, the beautiful natural cave itself. I grew up near Hannibal, Missouri so there were many trips to the Mark Twain Cave and the fun lantern lit tours of Cameron Cave. So maybe this love of caves is in my blood.

They told us not to touch anything. Something about the oils on our hands stopping the natural growth of the cave. I really wanted to break the rules, but thought generations after me might not like that, so I restrained myself.

I finally finished my laptop case! It's super cute (except for the zipper, which I've always had issues with, but I will someday be able to do a clean, neat finished zipper, someday...). Tutorial is here if you're feeling like a little project.

Alright, finally I think I'm ready for another long-past-due Thankful Thursday. 

At this moment I am thankful for...
(1) A mild winter. I've missed the snow, I'm not going to lie, but I am very thankful for the beautiful unexpectedly warm winter we've had. It means safer travels. It means walks outside. It means enjoying God's natural beauty.

(2) Underground parking. I'll admit I'm a bit spoiled. I am blessed that each morning I don't have to worry about scraping off my car, running out in the rain, bundling up from the wind. I do like my underground parking quite a bit :)

(3) Books on tape. I like to travel and I love listening to books on tape while I drive. I can check off books I've been wanting to read/classics I feel I should read and I don't have to worry about flipping channels to try to find something "good" to listen to. Plus, I'm very thankful for my local library where I have access to all these books free of charge :)

(4) Reminders of my weakness. This might be odd, but it is Lent and I'm thankful for a chance to grow. Grow in my faith, grow in my job, grow in my relationships. As hard as it is to tamper my pride and realize the areas I struggle in, I am thankful that our God is one of forgiveness and through Him I can strive to be the woman He wants me to be. One day at a time.
(5) The beauty of motherhood. I'm surrounded by so many fabulous moms, new and not so new. I'm thankful for their example and their desire to raise their children in a faith filled home, with strong values and lots of love. They are beautiful examples of where I hope to be someday (just not any time soon :).

(6) The endless list of projects and recipes the Internet offers. I'm thankful for the ease of being able to find recipes with the items in my cupboard. I'm thankful for the inspiration of others and many projects to help organize and beautify my life.

(7) The unknown. I'm thankful for the idea of what's to come, the idea that I don't really have control (which I hate at the same time), the idea of where I'll be in the future. I'm thankful that God has a plan and therefore I don't have to.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

LOVE #4 & 7!!! :0) Miss you sweet friend!