At this moment I am thankful for...
(1) The beauty of the liturgy during Holy Week. I love Holy Week and am blessed to live in a city that provides beautiful Masses and services including a Chrism Mass and Tenebrae and of course Holy Thursday Mass, Good Friday Service, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday Masses.
(2) Green grass, flowering trees, birds chirping and bright flowers. Spring is everywhere and it's beautiful!
(3) Sacrifice. It's been a good Lent, hard but good. I've become more aware of my vices and what is lacking in my spiritual life. I pray that I can continue to strive for holiness as the Easter Season begins.
(4) Family. I'm thankful for the randomness of my family and of course the love that we all share.
(5) New Babies :) There are so many new little ones, and even more due in the next few weeks. I am thankful for the beauty and innocence they bring to this world and I pray for each of them and their lovely parent.
(6) The ability to cook/bake. I often take it for granted that I was taught to cook and bake at a young age and therefore can easily follow a recipe that most of the time successfully results in something edible. I thankful for my mother who taught me (and always follows recipes to a T), my sister who wasn't afraid to try the complex scary recipes and make them her own and my dad who never really measured and kept adjusting until he made the "perfect" dish. I'm definitely a mix of the 3.
(7) Photos, new and old. I was going through and organizing/finally scrapbooking some of my old photos and I'm so thankful for the many happy memories they contain and the wonderful people that grace their fronts that I am so blessed to have in my life.
Happy Triduum everyone!
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