Friday, August 16, 2013

7 Quick Takes (vol. 16) or What I Learned Traveling Cross Country with my Boyfriend...

So August 5-13 my boyfriend and I road tripped from Wisconsin to Seattle, Washington. It was awesome, I loved it. Here are a few things I learned along the way.
 ~~ 1 ~~
Long trips are more fun if your travel-mate is willing to pose for random pictures
pictures taken at the Frontier Village in Jamestown, ND

 At Salem Sue, New Salem, ND
and take them!
~~ 2 ~~
At the Crab Pot in Bellevue, WA

"When in Rome do as the Romans do" or in our case, when on the coast eat lots of seafood. Oh and don't be afraid to try something new.

~~ 3 ~~
If something sounds cool, stop.
Jeremiah saw a sign for the Theodore Roosevelt National Park so we stopped.
The view was gorgeous!

~~ 4 ~~
Take time to have fun.
 Jeremiah skipping rocks at Glacier National Park, evidently he's an excellent rock skippper.

~~ 5 ~~
It's ok to be touristy
 At Pike Place Market in Seattle, WA

At the Space Needle (their cheesy pictures they take of everyone then you choose the background)
~~ 6 ~~
Just do it, don't ask questions don't think about it just do it
Do the fun random things that the locals do, or the fun and random things that the tourists do, either way, just do it.
~~ 7 ~~
Eat good food (preferably local food)
 Evening snack of brie+local fudge+local wine = awesome!
 Eating Huckleberry Ice Cream.

That's the very condensed version of my trip. I hope you are all enjoying your August!
For more Quick Takes, head on over to Conversion Diary.

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