Friday, February 24, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 1)

~~ 1 ~~

So evidently it's still winter here.
 I think we (those living in states such as Wisconsin) might be the only people who were actually complaining about the mild winter and lack of snow. Well, thanks to a bit of snow last night we once again have a lovely winter wonderland outside, a nice reminder that it is still February and not April.

~~ 2 ~~

I finished listening to Jacqueline Kennedy: Historic Conversations on Life with John F. Kennedy

and I absolutely loved it. I have so much respect for Jackie, for the woman she was and moreover the wife she was, no matter what what you feel about John F. K., when you listen to Jackie tell about her life in the White House, you have to respect her.

~~ 3 ~~

Isn't she beautiful?  She's the daughter of some dear friends of mine who I had the pleasure of meeting on Tuesday. I'm so happy for her parents and to watch her grow.

~~ 4 ~~

Last night I was talking with a friend about Lent and fasting and the "rules" we followed growing up in Catholic households and how we've learned, only recently, the reason behind those rules, or the truth behind random misconceptions. What it all boils down to is where your heart is. Are you fasting, praying more, going to Mass more often, being kinder to others, working on the Corporal Works of Mercy during Lent in order to grow closer to God, in order to realize your weaknesses and ask for strength or is it to boast, is your pride behind your Lenten resolutions? It's a good question for us all to answer.

~~ 5 ~~

I'm currently working on a laptop case. A project that I was supposed to finish in a day has taken a bit longer because of interruptions and well, to be honest, lack of motivation for the fun tasks of pinning and basting. I'd forgotten how long it takes to do a sewing project the "right" way. Hopefully it'll be done soon. Below is the super cute version I'm aiming for (and the link if you want to make one for yourself ;)

~~ 6 ~~

This weekend I have no plans! Oh it's exciting, the possibilities are endless. My boyfriend will be up for the whole weekend and I foresee some fabulous adventures ahead. I'm just a little excited :)

~~ 7 ~~
I've got the urge to travel. Maybe it's because I know a lot of people who are heading off this weekend to places like Hawaii, Mexico and Florida. Maybe it's because I've been watching too much Rick Steve's Europe. Maybe it's because I was talking to friend who's planning her honeymoon to Italy. Whatever it is I'm ready to go out and explore, to go somewhere I've never been. The possibilities are endless!
 Alright, that's all from me for this lovely Friday. Enjoy the weekend! 
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

1 comment:

jen said...

I think the best Rick Steves special was the one he did on Iran. It was so good because it was one of those things that you don't expect to see with all the propaganda that comes from both governments.