Monday, January 10, 2011

Bring it On! The Playoffs are Here!

Williams' Interception! (
 I grew up in Illinois cheering on the Packers with my dad.  Which wasn't easy, considering we were in Bears or Rams country (depending on who you talked to).  In high school I was one of the few on our football cheerleading squad who actually knew what was going on, and I'll admit that there were times that I would have much rather been watching the boys play then facing the crowd "cheering".  So anyways, I went off to college (also in Illinois) and was surrounded by, yep, you guessed it, bears fans.  Well I've lived in Wisconsin for a few years now, and let me just tell you that it is wonderful watching the Packers play with people who actually want them to win.  It's still a bit strange for me.  So yesterday I went over to a friends to watch the Packers WIN against the Eagles.  It was glorious.  See this was a hardcore football fan only party.  It was serious.  There was lots of yelling.  Lots of edge of your seat silences.  Lots of high-fiving.  A bit of smack talk, just a little.  Lots of good food (hey every party needs good food).  It's a party that will be repeated on Saturday when the Packers beat the Falcons.  Oh how I love football season in Wisconsin!

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