Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday and Happy Late Valentine's Day!

What a busy week!  I was so productive last weekend, I know it's amazing, so I have some fun stuff to share with all of you lovelies.  First of all I've been all about whoopie pies for the past, oh year or so, and for Valentine's Day I found this fabulous recipe from Bakerella.  I followed the recipe but then cut the cookies into hearts before filling them.  I think they turned out pretty darn cute (see above :)

Also, I found this other lovely recipe for English muffins over at Tasty Kitchen.  They turned out great as well, I was so proud of myself :)  Of course I had to make an egg and cheese sandwich with them, oh so good!

I got my craft fix as well by making some quick valentine's day cards and now I'm working on a pillow which hopefully will be as cute as the picture in my head.  More of that to come later.  Tuesday I took the day off and went downhill skiing for the first time.  I absolutely loved it, but have been just a little sore for the past few days.  Alright, that's a quick catch-up on me on to what I'm thankful for...

At this moment I am thankful for...
(1) The right to protest and the fact that it can be done peacefully.
(2) Passion.  That is the passion that people have for a cause.  We should all be so passionate.

(3) Love.  I am thankful everyday that I have family and friends that love me and whom I love dearly.

(4) Random phone calls from people I haven't talked to in a while.

(5) A car that runs and starts right away.

(6) My new apartment, that is slowly becoming my own.

(7) Living in a country that I can practice my faith openly and freely.

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