Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Is it really Thursday already? I've had a lot on my mind and heart over the past few days, so stayed tuned for more info. on that (I'll let you know what God's planning for me once I finalize it with Him ;)

At this moment I am thankful for...
(1) Email. It's fast and efficient and makes it a whole lot easier when organzing large groups of people.
(2) Pictures. I love love love pictures and am thankful for all the memories that they bring to mind.
(3) Friends. I am blessed with so many friends all over the country and I thank God for each of them and the influence that they have had on my life.
(4) Peace. I am thankful I can wake up in the morning and not worry about being killed in the cross-fire. I know there are places in this nation that don't have that same luxury, I pray that God will bring peace to them and to all those experiencing and causing violence across the world.
(5) Encouraging words. Whether from a book, a friend or even a stranger, I am thankful for the words that God speaks through others.
(6) The gift of Life. I am thankful for all my friends and family who are currently pregnant and for all those who chose life, no matter how hard that choice was.
(7) The adoption program (I know not all of them are good, but the majority of agencies are amazing). For all the successful adoptions, there are so many that I know about personally and you can see God's blessings in each family.

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