Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thankful Thursday, on Thursday!

So it has been a pretty fabulous, well week for me. I was blessed to be a part of a wonderful retreat called TEC, which here in Wisconsin is a retreat for anyone in high schooler or older. Growing up I attended and helped with some TEC's in IL, but they were just for High Schoolers. There were also retreats for late junior high and early high schoolers (Quest) and college students (Koinonia). Here everyone is thrown together, and I must say that I was a bit leary, but it ended up being such an amazing weekend. It was exactly what I needed (great how God spoils us like that). Our theme for the weekend was "Move with the Living Water", a good reminder to all of us that life is always changing and God is always pushing us along, we can't stay still. I'm a big music person and I love to listen to the lyrics of songs, to pray them as I sing along. The theme song for the weekend was "I will Follow" by Chris Tomlin, so feel free to sing along or pray along, it's a great song for both.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of being in charge of soup dinner that our parish holds every year before the high schoolers put on living stations of the cross. I've found that I love organizing events, working with volunteers, but most of all, watching as everything goes smoothly, people work together, and everyone enjoys themselves. It's a great feeling. This weekend I'm off to Chicago to visit my lovely brother, so hopefully I'll have pictures to share next week. Enjoy your Thursday, and the beutiful weather (if you have it :)

At this moment I am thankful for...
(1) Hugs. I absolutely love hugs and am thankful for all they represent. Confort. Excitement. Trust. Love
(2) Music. I know I say this alot, but I am thankful for music in its many forms. Music that brings people together. Stirs of fond memories. Helps us to say the words we can't on our own. Music to comfort.
(3) Spring. I'm seeing glimpses everywhere. The grass slowly starting to turn green. Birds singing. The bright sun warming my face :)
(4) Miracles. They happen everyday, we just don't always take the time to see them or appreciate them. I'm thankful for miracles big and small, in my life and in the people's I love.
(5) Good speakers who give fabulous presentation on great topics. If you ever have the chance to listen to Ryan Bomberger speak, go see him, and check out his site or or any of the other fabulous organizations that him and his wife run. Pretty amazing and needed.
(6) My creative ideas. I've got so many projects I'm working on , have figured out in my head, or would love to do. I'm just waiting for a bit of free time and a little warmer weather...
(7) Babies. I love them in all shapes and sizes, colors and ethnicities. Their trust, total reliance on their parents. Their loveable faces, expressions and smiles. Their potential. Thank God for little blessings.

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